by | 5 May. 2019

 2 min read

Alcatel-Lucent, born from the merger between Alcatel and Lucent Technologies, provides products and innovations in IP and cloud networking, as well as ultra-broadband fixed and wireless access.

They have a wide range of clients, from services providers, to enterprises and institutions throughout the world. Alcatel-Lucent’s Bell Labs, one of the world’s foremost technology research institutes, is responsible for countless breakthroughs that have shaped the networking and communications industry.


We have been using Visual Planning for about 3 years now. We chose Visual Planning after an audit of the various scheduling solutions available on the market, at the international level. Before using Visual Planning, we used to work with a competitor’s solution. The solution costed less but with some huge shortcomings. Indeed the interface could not be adapted much, and the application had very poor remote connections capabilities. It was not flexible enough to answer to our specific needs.


We chose Visual Planning after a convincing demo of the tool by the sales team who helped us implement the software. Our users currently use Visual Planning to monitor our service activities. We manage around 1000 resources and 14 000 projects. We have 400 users licenses 150 are modification licenses. Our teams are operating in various areas all over the world, from Australia to Canada. They all use the same version of Visual Planning, hosted in Europe.


The quality of the services provided is excellent, no matter where the user is located. Today, we are more than satisfied with Visual Planning and its flexibility. We are in the process of studying the deployment of the tool to manage other typed of activities, such as internal training.

Stephane Maubian, Senior Project Manager



Endless possibilities

visuel ragu

“Easy to use, it ensures a quick start without constraining training.”

Marc G. | Project manager

Optimize your resources, manage your activities efficiently, boost your productivity!
And by the same author:
Recevez nos dernières informations et mises à jour sur Visual Planning

Recevez nos dernières informations et mises à jour sur Visual Planning

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